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Below you will find a lot of information about us, including our history, who we are now, and what we believe.  Please read through it and reach out to us with any questions.


History: The Van Alstyne Church of Christ was founded in the 1800’s in the Mantua area, before moving to the Elmont are. The church moved to its current location in Van Alstyne in 1964 after Elbert and Bessie Hix donated the property for the church to be built. We are thankful for our heritage in Churches of Christ and our roots in the American Restoration Movement.

Now: We are more than our past. Though we are proud of where we have been, we are also glad to talk about where we want to go. If you visit VACofC, you will discover a group of Christians from various backgrounds who are seeking to follow Jesus faithfully. Our membership is diverse including business and professional people, young families, students, teachers, farmers, youth and senior adults. Our church family includes different races, different first languages, different levels of education and socio-economic backgrounds. We value these many differences but most of all we value the truth that unites us is the common Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are all sinners who need his forgiveness. Because we proclaim Jesus as Lord, we also share a sense of his mission to the world around us, both globally and right here in Van Alstyne. People everywhere need the life-changing message of God. We believe the gospel of Christ is far too powerful to leave any of us the way it finds us. We invite you to come join us as we seek the great purposes of God for his creation.


We believe in the only true and living God, creator of everything. We believe God revealed himself in the history of Israel and the person of his Son, Jesus of Nazareth. We believe Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, but through his resurrection the Father confirmed him to be the true Messiah (Christ) of prophecy. He is now exalted at the right hand of God.
In unity with Christians across space and time, we believe and proclaim this biblical story as good news or “gospel.” We believe that Scripture is trustworthy and inspired by God to tell us what we need to know.


Through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, God is putting all of his broken creation back together. In the gift of his Son and his indwelling Holy Spirit – given to believers by grace through faith in baptism (water immersion) – God created a new community, the church, the body of Christ. As members of God’s kingdom, we are called into his great mission to set right everything that is so wrong. We confess we are part of the problem, sinners living in total need of God’s forgiveness. But we believe God’s Spirit is changing us daily into the image of Christ. So, we strive to walk by faith, to serve others, to love God and glorify him in worship.

As for the future, Jesus is Lord, so we do not fear death. We believe Christ will return one day to bring God’s final justice to all things. We live in hope for his new creation where we will be raised up with new bodies to know God fully, face to face, as it was meant to be.

We invite you to join us in living and proclaiming this good news.

A Church where Jesus Reigns with Grace and Mercy.




191 Hopson Street

PO Box 418

Van Alstyne, TX 75495

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Van Alstyne Church of Christ

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