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Here you will find great information on what to expect when you visit.  If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact us.


We are located at 191 Hopson St, just South of the Scoggins Funeral Home.  Park anywhere in the parking lot or at Scoggins Funeral home if the lot is full.


Bible classes on Sundays begin at 9:30 a.m., with classes for children, teens, and adults.


We have two worship services to choose from:

  • Our early service starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 9:15 a.m. 

  • Our 2nd service begins at 10:30 a.m. and usually ends about 11:45 a.m. 


During the 2nd worship service, after the adult offering, young children are invited to go to the front of the auditorium for "Children's Corner", which is a short message from our preaching minister, followed by a children's offering.  The children's offering is typically a small monetary offering used to help other children in the community.


Also, during a portion of 2nd worship service, we offer "Children's Church" for kindergarten through 3rd grade, on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays only.  Children are dismissed for Children's Church just before the sermon and must be escorted by an adult to and from the portable building.

VACofC offers a Wednesday evening service at 7 p.m. with classes for children, teens, and adults September through May.  June through August we have a “Family Bible class” in the auditorium.

The first Wednesday of every month is “Singing Night” where we all meet in the auditorium to sing praises to God and have a short devotional service.


We gather to encourage one another and praise God. We love each other, but we are not here to impress each other, and we are not all alike. When you come to VACofC, you will see all kinds of people.

If you are familiar with Churches of Christ, you may think we are somewhat typical of our heritage. Our worship is simple but meaningful. We pray, read Scripture, hear from God’s Word, sing without instruments and share the Lord’s Supper every week. We ask our own members, but never visitors, to offer financial gifts to support our many ministries. We will not embarrass you or do anything intentionally to make you uncomfortable. We ask you to make yourself at home because you are with family and that you fill a visitor card.


You may see some dressed in t-shirts and jeans, others in suits and ties or dresses. Come as you are. We are not worried about where you come from or how you dress, just that you are here.

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